He was more a Christian
than a storekeeper.
He might overcharge you,
but he said his prayers.
He would want you
to use that money he left you.
Money he worked hard for all his life
to save for a rainy day?
It's raining. Pouring.
Oh, cheer up, Arthur.
You won't sell anything without a smile.
- Arthur!
- Make me happy, Joan.
It'd really be nice, huh?
Down here on the floor?
Joan, look.
I want to show you something, Joan.
- Stop! Arthur!
- Birds do it. Bees do it.
Little birdies in the trees do it.
It was just a thought.
A very peculiar thought, Arthur.
Don't you ever listen to the words...
...in the songs?
In these songs?
That's not real life.
Real life?
You tell me what real life is.
It's a bowl of dog biscuits.
There's nothing wrong with that,
if you're a dog.
That's what you want.
You want a goddamn poodle.
Not a man. Not a real man!
- Don't be silly, Arthur.
- Well, I'll tell you this...
...this is one old dog
who ain't coming back to the kennel.
What do you mean, Arthur?
Three guesses.
A thousand dollars.
What on earth do you want
with $ 1000, Mr. Parker?
- I want more capital for my business.
- Selling sheet music?
Yeah, songs, on commission.
I got a bad territory, see...
...East Central Illinois.
God help me.