Nothing, Arthur.
I got the biggest turkey. It was so great.
- Bye, Miss Everson. Happy Thanksgiving.
- Happy Thanksgiving.
- Bye, Miss Everson. I'll see you Monday.
- Steady, there.
- Sorry, sir. I...
- Look where you're going, boy.
Yes, sir.
That one.
I haven't looked at it...
I mean, looked at it...
...for almost 30 years,
when I taught this class.
January, snowing.
February, rain.
March, with winds a-blowing.
April, sun again.
May, a world of flowers.
June, with dancing leaves.
July, long, lazy hours...
Dr. Bartholomen
is on the school board, isn't he?
He's told you about my condition,
hasn't he?
He asked me to contemplate the picture
of Miss Everson, the teacher...
...and her illegitimate baby.
I am not, I hope,
a blasphemous man, Eileen...
...but I often think the picture of Eve we are
given in Genesis is not altogether a fair one.
Indeed, when I look about...