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"Quella villa accanto al cimitero" torrent
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Quella villa accanto al cimitero
The House by the Cemetery (originally titled Quella villa accanto al cimitero) is a 1981 horror film directed by the noted Italian cult film maker Lucio Fulci. Its plot revolves around a series of murders taking place in a New England home--a home which happens to be hiding a particularly gruesome secret within its basement walls. As with most Fulci directed affairs, the film appears unconcerned with logical consistency or continuity; the focus is squarely placed on the delivery of disturbingly surreal images and over-the-top gore. Themes and motifs from popular horror films such as The Shining and Frankenstein are readily on display.
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Quella villa accanto al cimitero
:00:01 Pøeklad a úprava: Bored Seal
:00:41 Steve?
:00:44 U ses oblíkl?
:00:48 Dìlej, u je pozdì.
:00:50 Musím domù.
:00:51 Nechci, aby mi nai
zas nìco zakazovali.
:00:56 Steve?
:01:20 Steve?
:01:22 Jsi tam?
:01:25 Jestli se mì
snaí postrait,
:01:27 není to moc k smíchu.
:01:29 Z tohohle místa mi
naskakuje husí kùe.
:01:32 Varuju tì!
:01:33 U sem s tebou
nikdy nepùjdu.
:01:37 Steve?
:01:37 No tak, kde jsi?
:01:41 Jestli toho nenechá,
:01:42 pùjdu sama, pøísahám!
:01:45 Steve?
:01:48 Tak kde jsi?
:01:49 Prosím, ozvi se.
:01:53 Steve!