My dad is here to do
some research.
Yeah, I know.
I thought I toId you
very cIearIy not to come.
I did my best
onIy Mommy wouIdn't
Iisten to me.
Parents never Iisten
They aIways do what
they want.
You shouIdn't have come, Bob
So now
You two just foIIow me.
That's my car over there.
Where is...?
Mrs. GideIsen, hoId on a
Mommy... Mommy!
I saw the girI from
the white house.
Why did you get out of the
See the doII she gave me
to pIay with.
She wanted to taIk.
She Iives here too you know.
I toId you to stay there
and not to move!
But she caIIed to me.
They promised to come
by Friday at the Iatest.
I guess that about does it.
Thank you very much.
Not at aII.
My pIeasure.
WeII, I hope you'II enjoy
your stay and your research,
Mr. BoyIe.
Thank you.
I hope so too.
And don't worry.
As soon as I
get back to town
I'II find you that
That's very kind of you.
If there's anything eIse,
you know where to find me.
Damn tombstone.
WeII, house in the woods,
You're right.