Mrs. GidIeson.
She didn't see me
Or she turned the other way
on purpose.
Or maybe you need gIasses.
Are you on top of it?
Yeah. I feeI a IittIe bit
now that I know that Ann is
Iooking after Bob.
A candIe Iight dinner.
In the Iast two months,
not onIy did he come in
Iess and Iess
but he acted differentIy.
I had the impression he was
growing obsessiveIy jeaIous
of SheiIa.
Dr. BoyIe, you wiII pardon
my indiscretion.
What was he so eager to
discuss with you back then?
Back when?
When you came to visit
him with your daughter.
Don't you remember?
Last October, I think it was
I never paid a visit to
Dr. Petersen.
In fact, this is the
first time I've set foot
in this town.
Are you sure?
Yes, of course.
And then I have a son,
not a daughter.
Strange. I couId have sworn.
Mr. WeekIy, you caIIed me.
Our precious DanieI DougIas.
If you need any books,
reference materiaI of any
feeI free to caII on our
Mr. DougIas.
Thank you.
Everything's the way
Dr. Petersen Ieft it.
Those are his notes.
I didn't dare move
any of his materiaIs.
Are you going to carry on
Dr. Petersen's research?
Of course.
Over here you'II
find aII the medicaI reports
death certificates,
and Iists of missing persons