I see.
I'II teII Mrs. GidIeson.
PIease teII her
we want to move out
no Iater than tomorrow.
Yes, very weII.
WeII, wouId it be...
...be difficuIt
to find another house?
I can't reaIIy say,
but I don't think so.
Thank God for that.
Don't forget now,
no Iater than tomorrow.
Very weII.
I'II caII Mrs. GidIeson and
have her stop over
this evening.
Good bye
That Freudstein house
It was inevitabIe.
That they want to Ieave
the Freudstein property.
Oak Mansion HaroId.
How many times
do I have to teII you HaroId
that the house is now caIIed
Oak Mansion.
Yeah, give the bad product a
new IabeI.
WeII, caII it what you wiII,
but it has aIways been
Freudstein's house.
We have to.
I suppose so.
What're you doing
by the window?
Watching the house,
that's aII.
You can't see it from here.
Time to go to bed
Don't go inside.
Not inside.