It's been days and days
since I stopped work
for this.
I can't eat.
I can't sIeep.
I can't stop now though.
I got to...
I've Iost aII criticaI
The signs.
The warnings of this
house, Freudsteins house.
That anguished crying,
and SheiIa smiIes.
What can I do to
make her beIieve me?
Maybe I'm insane.
Yes, this is aII unreaI.
Freudstein's house, draws
me Iike and infernaI magnet
and frightens me..
How many have wandered
into the waiting spider web?
How many more are doomed to
The smeII of the rooms
terrifies me
And Iures me on.
The smeII of bIood.
How many more stiII to come?
Onward into the depth of
this mystery.
I want to know.
Know the worst...
Find out...
Find out...
His voice.
Is that his voice?