Raiders of the Lost Ark

Out away from the camp.
The well of the souls, uh?
Come, come, look! Look here!
Sit down, come! Sit down.
What is it?
This is a warning...
not to disturb the Ark of the Covenant.

What about the height of the staff?
Did Belloq get it off of here?

Yes, it is here...
This was the old way, this means six kadams high -
'about seventy-two inches'

And take back one kadam...
to honor the Hebrew God whose Ark this is.
You said their headpiece
only had markings on one side.

Are you absolutely sure?
Belloq's staff is too long.
They're digging in the wrong place!
Ha, ha, ha!
Bad dates.
I told you not to be premature
in your communiqué to Berlin.

archaeology is not an exact science.
Does not deal in time schedules.
The Führer is not a patient man he demands
constant reports. And he expects progress.

You led me to believe -
Nothing! I made no promises!
I only said it looked very favorable.
Besides, with the information in our possession,
my calculations were correct.

Boy they're not kidding are they?
