Sallah! Sallah!
Mehr Wasser!
What is the matter?
I fetch the water, I shall get it for you.
Water? I will give you water,
no problem, no problem.
I thought you were dead.
They must have switched baskets.
Are you hurt?
No. You have to get me out of here quick!
They're going to be back at any minute.
Quick! they keep asking about you, what you know.
What's wrong? Cut me loose.
I know where the Ark is Marion.
The Ark is here?
Well I'm coming with you Jones! Get me out of here,
Cut me loose! You can't leave me here!
If I take you out of here now they will
start combing the place for us.
Jones you got to get me out of here!
Are you crazy?
You know that I hate to do this.
You just Sit still, keep quiet.
This whole thing is going to be shut.
I'll be back to get you.