- Harry Sandler, this is Dick Benson.
- Gentlemen.
I want to recut Night Wind,
but Felix has an ironclad contract.
That's never stopped you before.
All right, no smart-ass stuff, Culley.
J.G. called six times last night.
If we don't do something quick,
all hell's going to break loose.
It's 10:00 in the morning.
Where could he be having lunch?
I don't think you grasp
the seriousness of this situation.
- All right, hang up.
- He's not home, he's having lunch.
I want you to get Felix to agree
to recut the film.
Tell him you've got some good ideas.
Put out a story
that we're recalling all the prints...
...and Culley is going to make
some drastic changes to the picture.
- I've got to call in to J.G. at 6:00.
- Give him my regards.
Unless you have something that can't wait
till the 3:00 meeting, thank you.
- Hello.
- Did I wake you up?
Hi, darling.
No, you didn't wake me up.
Ready when you are.
It's a wonder.
You really wore me out last night.
You were fantastic.
You were pretty fantastic yourself.
Listen, I like your suggestion.
Sam Marshall and you
make good chemistry.
And he's right for the part.
- What did you say?
- Nothing.
That's great.
- Then we got a date?
- So, I'll see you tonight?
- I miss you.
- Yeah.
- 'Bye.
- 'Bye, darling.
You son of a bitch.
Well, he liked my suggestion.
He thinks you'll be great for the part.