- No, it was just an accident.
- Jesus, it's all over town!
He put it in low instead of reverse...
...went through the garage wall
and into the ocean.
Tell the world.
Yeah, damn lucky.
It's just one of those ridiculous things.
Here he is now!
Felix! Thank God! We got our speech.
- Harry wants to know how you're feeling.
- I know you didn't try to take your life.
Did you hear that?
He said, "I never felt better in my life."
But you know how they can blow
a thing like this out of proportion.
Imagine what would happen
if Polly Reed got her hands on this.
We've got to sit down and
get our stories straight. Let me handle it.
Felix, are you listening to me?
I want to play it down.
It was a freak accident.
Domestic problems. No, wait.
Tell the studio the doctor wants him
to stay in bed for a day or two.
No, I said I should stay in bed
for a day or two.
He should go out, play golf,
get some exercise.
I know it's been a bad couple of days,
and I won't kid you, you look awful.
The sooner we settle this,
the sooner you'll get some rest.
No, Harry. I haven't said anything to him.
They just pulled him out of
the Pacific Ocean, for Christ's sake.
Either come out here
and take care of it yourself...
...or butt out and let me handle it.
- He won't even talk to me.
- I promise you.
You'll be the first one to know.
Now, take it easy. Goodbye.
That's a nervous Jew.
That's not a nervous Jew.
This is a nervous Jew.
- You don't look nervous.
- lf you don't stop it...
Don't get sore.
Some of my best friends are nervous.
You've got to talk to him.
Tell him, in 10 minutes that doorbell
will ring and all hell will break loose.
- See who it is, Lila.
- But don't let them in.
I'd like to see Felix.
- Felix who?
- Farmer.
This is the Farmer house, isn't it?