I hear that Felix tried to commit suicide.
You heard that Felix...
Felix tried to commit suicide.
He fell on her?
They've taken her
to the Santa Monica Hospital.
How could he fall on her?
He was trying to hang himself.
- How is he?
- He's okay.
Polly might have a fractured pelvis
and a broken leg.
Send flowers.
He fell on her.
Let's get something to eat.
- What a cute dog.
- Yeah.
Okay, Felix.
For the last 40 years
I've lived a life of dedicated debauchery.
I've consumed enough booze
to destroy a dozen healthy livers.
I've filled my lungs with enough nicotine...
...to poison the entire population
of Orange County.
I've indulged in sexual excesses
that would make Caligula...
...look like a celibate monk.
I have, in fact, conscientiously,
day in and day out...
...for more years than you've been
in this best of all possible worlds...
...tried to kill myself,
and I've never felt better in my life.
If you're really going to end it all...
...I can show you
a half dozen great ways to do it.
- What did you give him?
- A pinch of this, a dash of that.
Sometimes referred to in the trade
as a Sleeping Beauty boilermaker.
Take no notice if he begins to levitate.
It's a common side effect.