
He's kind of down in the dumps.
He needs cheering up.

If Mohammed can't go to the party,
then the party will go to Mohammed.

You never know, it might be his birthday.
Are you having problems, darlin'?
- Lila, Sam. Sam, Lila.
- Hello, Lila.

- Culley!
- It's nothing. She's just a big fan.

Help me get her up.
- Are you sure?
- Yeah. Come on.

Okay. See you on the beach.
Are you feeling better?
- So, what do you do?
- I breed armadillos.

- Do you enjoy your work?
- Not especially.

But the armadillos sure get a kick out of it.
Is it profitable?
Only in the spiritual sense.
A wise man once said:
"Make an armadillo smile
and the world is your oyster."

At one time,
I considered breeding oysters...

...but it just didn't sound right.
- "Make an oyster smile..."
- "And the world is your armadillo."

You can see the problem.
Take this for me, will you, please?
- Why haven't you called?
- I've been trying to phone.

Your line was busy.
I even called the operator.
