I broke you and I can make you.
It's rotten, but it's a revelation.
We failed, that we may succeed.
- We keep the basic set, Rich.
- Right.
It's still a dream, but now,
a Freudian nightmare of erotic symbolism.
Seduced in a nursery, but not voluntarily.
Not the victim of her own lust,
as she always feared...
...but the victim of a powerful aphrodisiac
slipped in her Bosco.
New lyrics, Bob. Prurient but profound.
- Felix, it's not that easy.
- Gino, new choreography.
The animals are out.
I don't think bestiality makes it, musically.
But Felix, it's such a different concept.
A different concept
for a different world, Gino.
Costumes, Agnes. Come on.
- Agnes, what about the costumes?
- It depends.
- How erotic do you really want to go?
- Go.
E-R-O-T-l-C. Go!
Sally Miles, America's G-rated darling
in the B-U-F-F?
Why not?
Darling, some of her fans
still don't think she goes to the bathroom.
If you want to dramatize the evils of
prostitution, corrupt a virgin, not a whore.
Wait. Just let me readjust my sights.
Fifteen years of nun's habits and
turtleneck bathing suits and now...
Agnes, remember your first
Academy Award, Garbo Talks?
Yes, she talked,
but she went to the bathroom, too.
You can do it, Agnes. I know you can.
I can do it.
That's my girl.
What I do now? Kitchen no work.
- Fridge broke. Who fix the fridge?
- We get fridge fixie.
Fixie fridge, then we get an eye,
ear, nose and throat fixie...
...and have him cut out your tongue.
Felix had absolutely no right to do that.