- I can smoke uphill and downhill.
- I see.
- Shut up!
- I've shut up.
State's business, not mine.
Why not?
You're a free man!
Don't talk crap.
You know what Marx said.
When there's freedom,
there'll be no state.
If Marx could hear you,
he'd turn in his grave.
Cut out that nonsense.
Have you nothing else
to talk about?
The old mustached one
turned him over nine times!
- But look what you have to live on.
- Well, cheers.
Here's hoping you
live 200... 300 years.
Don't exaggerate.
Here's the children.
Here comes my band!
Have you forgotten your uncle?
- Go to the side.
- Come on, sit here.
Come on, son.
- Uncle will come now.
- Sit down, dear. Sit.
when will we go to the seaside?
Ask your mammy.
Mammy, when will we go
to the seaside?
- Ask your daddy.
- Daddy, when will we go to the seaside?
Soon. Soon.
- Shall we?
- Play away!