
That's three.
I think you're ready
for the Special Olympics.

That's three.
- That's four.
- Four.

I was testing you.
And here goes five?
Will he do it?

You just doubled your money.

I gotta get in shape.
I gotta dry out,
or I'll be dead before I'm 30.

The army's my only chance.
You could join a monastery.
Did you ever see a monk get
wildly fucked by some teenage girls?

- Never.
- So much for the monastery.

You comin' in?
Hey, this is a loading zone.
You can't park here.

We're not parking it.
We're abandoning it.

I can't believe we're doing this.
Listen, if I get killed,
my blood is on your hands.

- Just don't get it on my shoes, okay?
- Hello.

I'm not saying that the army will be
able to do for you what it did for me.

All I'm saying is you get out of it
exactly what you put into it.

Now, sometimes the army's
your best shot.

There's some questions I have to ask.
They're a little personal.

Have you ever been convicted
of a felony or a misdemeanor?

That's robbery, rape, car theft,
that sort of thing?

- Convicted?
- Yeah.

- No.
- Never convicted.

That's good.
