An army without leaders
is like a foot...
without a big toe.
And Sergeant Hulka isn't always gonna
be there to be that big toe for us.
I think that we owe
a big round of applause...
to our newest, bestest buddy...
and big toe...
Sergeant Hulka.
Well, okay, hotshot.
We'll see what kind
of soldier you are.
Reveille is 0500.
We're gonna fall out
with locker boxes...
and we're gonna have
a locker box inspection.
And then we're gonna do ten miles,
rain or shine.
So you better hit them bunks,
my little babies...
or Hulka with the big toe's gonna see
how far he can stick it up your ass.
Out of them bunks!
We got a full day ahead of us.
We're gonna start out
with a five-mile run.
I know I'm speaking for
the entire platoon when I say...
this run should be postponed
until this platoon is better rested.
Well, I'll tell you what, soldier.
Let's make it ten miles.
Any more complaints?
Thanks a lot, Winger!
Nice going, asshole.