So he left me alone in the chapel
and came back...
he came back 15 minutes later.
- Jesus. What did you do?
- Well, I did what I was told.
I cried for 15 minutes.
She was a beautiful woman...
my mother.
She was crazy about the old man.
I don't know, I guess he loved her too.
You never told me that story.
Yeah, I was 12. That's when I came here.
Hey, Brian, they're down at the gate.
Better get going.
All right.
When this is over,
you and me are gonna go round and round.
Yeah. But first
you're gonna move your goddamn arm.
- Hello, Brian.
- Hello, sir.
You look like
you might have grown an inch or two.
- You've put on a couple of pounds too.
- A couple.
- Sorry you had to come all the way up here.
- Nah.
- How you doing, Alex?
- Hello, Sergeant Moreland.
- The old place looks different...
- Get to the bottom line.