... with Major Brian Moreland,
commander of the rebellious youths.
Correction. Defending cadets.
Let's go. Come on.
- There seems to be some dissension...
- No, this is a military operation.
A military operation. I see.
- No dissension, no desertion and no...
- Knock it off!
- Those of you not on station should sleep.
- You can't escape the press that easily.
Knock it off! It's not funny any more!
It's getting to be a real pain in the ass! Drop it!
Back to you, Walter.
The major's getting pissed off.
- Come on. Move out.
- And we don't want to piss off the major.
Piss off the major, you find yourself escorted
out between two of Shawn's Red Berets.
You just keep going and going,
don't know when to stop.
Think with your brain,
you'll piss off the major.
Piss off the major and you find yourself
escorted outjust like the major's father.
Leave my father out of this.
- Reason with the major, out you go.
- Let's go.
Pretty soon there'll be nobody left
but one pissed-off major.
Knock it off! We've had enough!
You don't wanna save this school
for posterity.
You wanna wear it like your own cocoon!
Just you and Bache,
snug as two bugs queer for each other.
Stay back.
- Come on, Brian!
- Get him!
Hold it down! Hold it down!
- They turned off the power.
- Turn 'em on!
- Hold it down!
- What's that noise?
Listen up! Get your weapons
and man your battle stations!
Check the 50s and 60s.
Make sure they're prepared and ready.
- Come on!
- Move, move, move!
- Don't let friendship keep you here any more.
- Don't worry.