We must pledge ourselves to that mission.
Yes, come in.
Major Moreland
requesting permission to speak.
Go ahead, Major.
Sir, those of us staying summer session
were wondering... We wondered if...
Stand at ease, Major.
Sir, how can they do this?
With the stroke of a pen, sir.
Their field of honour was a desk top.
They didn't consult me.
Never hinted at what their plans were.
They just papered it and pencilled it
and went ahead and did it
because that's what the numbers said.
Sir, all they want is money.
Let them raise the tuition. We'll pay it.
I'm afraid it's not quite that simple, son.
There's a feeling on the outside
that schools like this are anachronistic
and leaders of men
like you and me are dinosaurs.
Well, you go to the movies, you read books.
A military leader is always portrayed
as slightly insane.