Oh, my God!
I know that.
No. I'm not giving out any statements -
to him or to anyone else.
It'll only make matters worse.
Make sure that the cable
is noncommittal as well.
Let me see it before you send it.
Gee. Can you believe that?
Some sons of bitches from
the Egyptian opposition party
want us to endorse their condemnation
of Israel for blowing up the Aswan Dam.
How the hell do we know
Israels responsible?
-My guess is it's the work of the NLF.
The Nubian Liberation Front -
a quasi-Marxist outfit.
They've had a gripe against
Cairo since the '60s, when
the High Aswan Dam was built.
They claim that it submerged
50 per cent of their homeland,
which, of course, it did.
Until now.
How'd you get this information?
One of our Thorn relief teams - they were
on the scene ahead of the Egyptians.
I wanna take a look at that.
It's quite unofficial, of course.
I don't have to point out to
you that... if we can prove it
had nothing to do with Israel,
we could be averting
one mother of a major flare-up.
I'll have to check it myself.
I wouldn't want to feed the
White House false information.
As to the other matter,
I'm afraid I can't accept the post.
If I were ambassador to Great
Britain, I'd have to
relinquish my control over Thorn.
Hell, no! We can take
care of that for you.
-It is against the law.
-Then we'll just have
to bend it a little.
But there are two other conditions.