English weather.
-Go on, dog. Go and get it.
-Tell me about Peter's father.
He died just after Peter was born.
-Have you never thought
of getting married?
-No. I'm too much of a skeptic.
-Oh, yes?
-Besides, I've never
really had the time.
Peter's always wanted
me to buy him a dog.
Well, you should.
Dogs and boys go great together.
We've had one of these dogs
in the family since I was a kid.
-They used to march with the Roman army.
-Did they?
They're as old as sin.
-Feel like some lunch?
-Good idea.
..probably realised my
favourite subject is me, not only
because I'm very beautiful...
I am beautiful!
People from all over the world
came for our actors,
but where are the new ones gonna train
if we haven't got any stages?
And the reason we haven't
got stages is because people
are not going to the theatre!
They are watching television.
You're sitting in a bar, and
at 11 o'clock they say "You
have 10 minutes to drink up."
You've paid a fortune for that drink
and they throw you out in the streets.
"The day of Christ is at hand"
wrote St Paul in his second
letter to the Thessalonians.
"Yet let no man be deceived,
for that day shall not come
until the man of sins is revealed,
the son of perdition, the Antichrist."
"And be not deceived by him,
for Satan himself is transformed
into an angel of light."
The hour of Christ's Second
Coming draws nigh. The
prophecies fulfilled one by one.
Right now, my friends,
in the constellation of Cassiopeia,
a holy trinity of stars is converging
to herald our Lord's Second Coming.