At the centre of Thorns global
operations is a man who
has become a legend for his time:
Damien Thorn.
Did you see that woman? It's not
a woman. It's a guy. It's a faggot!
-Dressed up like a woman. It's a faggot!
-They're all God's children, Harvey.
..in a career that's already being compared
to that of the late John F Kennedy.
After majoring at Yale, Damien Thorn
came to Oxford as a Rhodes scholar,
where he captained the Oxford
eight to victory and won
the Westchester Cup at polo.
In 1971 he took over
his uncle's business, Thorn industries,
and in seven years has turned it
into the world's largest multinational,
producing everything from nuclear
armaments to soya bean food products.
And now, at the age of 32,
Damien Thorn has...
Are you lost?
You're not connected
with this programme, are you?
-This is stage eight, isn't it?
-Studio eight's the next one along.
-Yes. Thank you.
A brilliant career
for one so young, Mr. Ambassador.
Not when you remember
that Alexander the Great
was commanding
the Macedonian army at 16.
Of course, that's how many
people view you - as a sort
of 20th-century Alexander,
Leading the world out of the
doldrums of recession into
the golden era of prosperity.
-You've seen too many
of our commercials.
-But it is the image you put across.
Well, the image of Thorn as a corporation,
not a personal image of myself.
But yes, it's true. I certainly have
tremendous optimism for the future,
and I wanna see Thorn play
a major part in achieving it.
You have an interest in young people.
What are your plans as president
of the United Nations Youth Council?
A great many things, but I think
the most important task I have
is to help young people gain
a more prominent role in world affairs
than the one we currently
afford them, or rather deny them.
I mean, what is this arrogance
that makes us think that
we know better than them?