But it was him! I saw him! I saw him!
-Sweet Saviour, spare our minds.
-We're possessed!
Spare our minds!
Down there! It's our only way out!
-It's bricked up!
-It's closed here too.
There is no way out!
We're trapped!
There are still three daggers left.
But I can't afford to waste
any more time. The only
way to be rid of the Nazarene
is to kill every male child in the
country born between midnight and dawn
-on March 24th.
-How can we be sure he's in the country?
"And he shall come forth out of the
angel isle." That's what the prophecy says.
One thing pedantic Christians
believe in is sticking to
the letter of their prophecies.
-How's Barbara?
-And your son?
-Fine. He's fine.