What do we do now,
Randall ?
Just leave this to me, Wally.
We've just got to treat them right.
What do you want,
you tatty-faced old scumbag ?
- What's your business, gob face ?
- We're robbers !
- Villainous robbers ?
- The worst.
- Stop at nothing ?
- Nothing at all.
- Steal a cup outta a beggar's hands ?
- Rather.
- The teeth from blind old ladies ?
- Of course.
- Toys from children ?
- Whenever we can.
[ Both Growling ]
Let 'em down !
They always crack
in the end.
[ Grunting, Groaning ]
Listen, I've got a few ideas
for, uh, a linkup...
between your gang
and our gang,
but I only want
to talk to the boss.
The boss ?
- The boss ?
- That's right.
They serious ?
[ Men Shouting, Cheering ]
[ Bones Crunching ]
All right ! Do it !
[ Laughs ]
Anyone else wanna go ?
Come on, you weasels.
What's this ?
Lose yourself, leprechaun.
[ Laughing ]
[ Spitballs Clinking ]
Move yourself, lad.
[ Chattering, Laughter ]
[ Ding ]
- That's disgusting !
- Wait here ! I'll get him !