Time Bandits

- That's why you get on with yourself !
- Watch it !

- Big mouth !
- Horseflesh wouldn't
have got us into this.

- Horseflesh is dead.
- Then give me the map.
I'm taking over !

Get off me ! Get--
[ Arguing Continues ]

[ Thunderclap ]
So... these are
the sort of people...

the Supreme Being
allows to steal His map ?

Look at them.
Stunted little proles.

I wouldn't entrust them
to wipe their own noses.

Oh, no, sir. It's much
too difficult for them.

What sort of supreme being
created such riffraff ?

Is it not the workings
of a complete incompetent ?

But He created you,
Evil One.

What did you say ?
Well, He created you,
so He can't be totally--

Never talk to me
like that again !

No one created me !
I am Evil !

Evil existed
long before good.

I made myself.
I cannot be unmade.

I am all-powerful !
But why,
if that's the case,

are you unable to escape
from this fortress ?

That's a good question.
Why have I let the Supreme Being
keep me here...

in the Fortress
of Ultimate Darkness ?

- Because you--
- Oh, shut up.
I'm speaking rhetorically.
