We're having a building-fund drive.
St Mary's will be the flower of the desert.
Hello, Tommy.
I'm sorry, Monsignor, for monopolising
your brother. I just get carried away.
That's all right, Father Eduardo.
How are you, Tommy?
Father Duarte said
you weren't a hundred per cent.
Ah, well, who is, Tommy? Who is?
Who is?
This morning after Mass,
Mr McHugh comes to see me.
Nice man, Mr McHugh.
When you're a pastor, no one ever stops
by to tell you everything is just swell.
When Mr McHugh stops by, it's not to help
Father Eduardo paint the thermometer.
No, no.
He tells me that his daughter,
a nun, is leaving the convent
- to become a professional bowler.
- What?
I'm not kidding - a professional bowler.
I didn't know they had alleys
in the convents these days.
So I, uh... said to him
I'd say a Mass for her.
Maybe that'll help her
bowl a perfect string.
How are you, Des?
Oh, it's a well-known fact the Irish have
more haemorrhoids than other people.
Look, Des. I asked you a simple question.
Give me a straight answer.
How are you?
I'm gonna die, Tommy.
You're not kidding.
The arteries to the pump are shot.
(? choir singing)