True Confessions

(man) That'll take a while, Sergeant.
What do you mean? She was cut in two.
Do you think it's an epidemic, like the flu?
(Mexican music)
I feel such a damn fool.
Steve, I think we better go.
Your Eminence.
Vaya con Dios.
I never could stand that man.
Mea culpa... mea culpa.

Tell me, Desmond, this proposal from Mr
Amsterdam to give us land for a school.

- What does he want to get out of it?
- I suspect solvency.

How many contracts have we let to
the Amsterdam Construction Company?

Over the last few years, about, um...
It's been about 17 million dollars.

It would have cost around 22.
Mm-hm. For someone
not so anxious to buy a good name.

It's wonderful, isn't it?
It makes it easy to believe in the infinite
power of repentance.
