The monsignor learned it by heart
when I was his curate.
I think I am owed an explanation
as to why I am being replaced
as chairman of the building fund.
- Now, I'm owed that, eh?
- Yes. Of course you are, Seamus.
We just felt that perhaps you, uh...
couldn't take that much of a load.
We're very grateful to you, Seamus.
Very grateful indeed.
I marvel at your energy, but...
Excuse me.
I mean, a man of your years...
I'm a year younger
than you are, Your Eminence.
Oh, you are, are you?
Well, the race is to the swift, huh?
We thought Monsignor Fitzgerald
would take over the building fund.
I'm not fond of raising money, but I think
it's idiotic to turn that job over to him.
- Now, now, now, Seamus.
- His eyes twinkle.
You show me a priest whose eyes twinkle
all the time and I'll show you a moron.
That's enough, Seamus.
But I cannot buy a new furnace,
I cannot buy new desks for the school,
I can't even buy insurance for the car
without his permission.
What's this we call that, Desmond?
- Central purchasing, Your Eminence.
- Ah.
I see. Well, I thought
the priority was saving souls.
I don't need you to tell me our priorities.
When I took over this archdiocese,
it was virtually broke.
The banks now lend us money,
due mainly to Monsignor Spellacy here.
Well, if he has his way,
there'll be pay toilets in the rectory next.
Seamus... I've known you for -
what is it? - 50 years now.
And you were always a pain in the neck.
Now, you've had your say.
Good afternoon.