Any messages for me?
(Frank) Hey, Tommy.
- How are ya?
- Good.
Anything for me?
I want you to check out all the butcher
shops, knife shops and medical suppliers.
Jesus, Tom.
(phone rings)
Sergeant Spellacy.
Uh, could you hold for a minute, please?
- Check out the garages yet?
- Know how many garages there are?
Sergeant Spellacy, may I help you?
Yes, ma'am. We do want to find
that girl's killer. And you are who?
Mrs Finley?
And you're from Culver City now,
but you used to live in...
Guin, Alabama.
Now, I do what? I hard-boil an egg
and I put it in the victim's right hand.
Would you please
mess up your own desk, Frank?
I don't have to ask
how lunch with the monsignor went.
Then I close the casket. I got that.
Then in seven days
the murderer will confess. I've got that.
Yes, ma'am. It's something
you used to do in Guin, Alabama.
Yes, ma'am. Thank you, ma'am.
- You ever read the brassiere ads?
- No.
I read 'em all the time.
I can pick 'em out.
I walk down the street, I see a girl,
I see the straps through her blouse,
and I know it's a Latrique Playtex
Breathe-Easy with matching garter belt.
That's a good thing to know, Frank.
- You wanna have a drink?
- No, I'm goin' home.
- All right. Call me.
- You bet.
(radio)... the killer of
the "virgin tramp" continues