Someone has to take care of that.
- So you're always saying.
- I know, but... what other choice is there?
Well, I don't know.
But just don't sell yourself short.
Next time I ask you for a nine iron,
give me a nine iron.
(man) Last time you birdied
the hole with a seven, Dan.
Was I playing with you?
Mind your own business, would you?
I keep reading about your brother,
the policeman, Des,
in the newspapers about
this "virgin tramp" business.
It's the Virgin Mary they should be
writing about. Don't you think so, Des?
That's right.
People are bored, the war's over. They
need something to sink their teeth into.
But... he's a grand policeman.
That's what they tell me.
Is he making any progress, I wonder?
We've got to unload Jack.