I've seen them.
I've picked them up, scooped them up.
Put them in, do them up like brains.
You buying brains?
But there's a ball right here,
and there's a ball here.
A ball here and a ball there.
Now, they're connected to the spine,
the spine goes down the backbone.
And if all four...
of these balls or brains is functioning...
you're not a one-track mind.
You're a four-track mind.
And you can...
I've seen a lot of folks.
They can type one letter...
Write me a letter and you a letter
on a typing machine.
And write one way with this hand...
write your letter with this hand,
and my letter with that one.
And I can take a penciI
and sit down and write...
"cat shit" with this hand
and "dog shit" with that one.
Both at the same time.
Two pencils.
I've done that lots of times.
These brains...
Now, what I was telllng you...
if I can't stand up...
I don't believe,
without propping against something.
It gets me out of balance.
There you go. You run one...
Now, if you ain't got that...
and I've often, all over this town,
time and again...
pointed out to anybody that would listen.
If you run that foot in a circle this way,
and then your hand that way...
then just pick up your pistol
and keep wiggling your arm...
and singing a song.
That's four,
in other words, that's five things.
That's five things I can do on this.
On one, with this old knot up here.