Go ahead.
Quincy, can you give me
the correct 10-36?
By my watch it's getting to 17.:31.
That's a big 10-4. Appreciate it.
We don't have too much traffic
coming through now.
Sit here, watch them come shooting
off the end of that bridge a little bit.
About the only thing I do
this time of day...
sit around and wait.
You have to do this in a hurry...
because you have to cover
several places at one time.
Not at one time, but...
as quick as you can,
because theygobblE better...
earlier part of the morning.
The later in the morning it gets,
the less theygobblE.
So you usually kill by...
6:00, 7:00 at the latest.
There's been a lot killed after that.
That's the cream of the hunt.
From daylight to 6:00, 7:00.
He's looking for a fresh track now...
and if he finds a fresh track, he'll stop,
listen, and go in on it.
That's what he's doing.
Walking and listening, right now.
Looking for a fresh sign
he's crossed the graded road.
Where there's smoke,
there's fire, you know.
You find a fresh track,
you know there's agobblEr there...
'cause this is a prime area for turkey.