Now, this here is a gopher.
He's not a turtle.
He's harmless. He won't bite you.
I don't know just how come
him to be way down in here.
He don't like this kind of land here.
It's a high, dry, sandy land for him.
And he'll dig his den to be as far as...
20 feet deep sometimes.
And he's good to eat, too.
I don't eat him, but people do eat him.
He's just a fine piece of meat
for the dining table.
I believe he wants to walk now.
His motor's slow-paced.
I said, "Y'all just leave my gun here.
I got to use the bathroom.
"You've got to come back this same way. "
And they said, "Yeah. All right. "
I got my gun.
I didn't get to use
the bathroom, though. I was fixing to...