So I went along for over a year.
And I didn't know
if the lot had sold or anything.
But a year later, I had as much money
as the man was asking for the lot.
I went to him to find out if
he stlLI had it. Sure enough, he did.
He said, "You know, it's really ironic.
I've had this thing sold three times.
"And every time that I've had it sold,
something's come up...
"and the party that was going to buy it
didn't go through with the deaI."
He says, "I hope yours goes through. "
I says, "It's gonna go through because
I know this is an answer to prayer. "
Sing the wondrous love of Jesus
Sing his mercy and his grace
In the mansions bright and blessed
He'll prepare for us a place
When we all get to heaven
What a day of rejoicing that will be!
When we all see Jesus
We'll sing and shout the victory!
I was reading Romans
not too awfully long ago.
And over and over, this word "therefore"...
which is the first word in our Scripture
this morning, began to pop out at me.
And I begin to think about it.
Because I remembered somewhere
back yonder when I was in school...
that an English teacher taught me
about the meaning of words.
And this word "therefore"
had a specific meaning.
And I think, well, if Paul
is using this word so many times...
there must be a reason for it.
So immediately,
I went to Webster's Dictionary...
and I began to look up what the word
"therefore" was all about.
And I found the word to be a conjunction.