that Paul had used that word "therefore"...
many times in Romans before this,
and many times in Romans after this.
And so I really got interested,
so I looked in my concordance...
and I found out
that Paul used the word "therefore"...
over 119 times in his writing.
And so, I think, well, if he used
the word "therefore" over 119 times...
I need to find out
what the Greek says about it.
So I looked up
what the Greek meaning was...
and the Greek word was "on, "
which had a triple meaning.
The first one was "accordingly"...
the next one was "likewise then, "
and "then therefore. "
Paul says,
"Therefore you receive the peace. "
So if you're here this morning,
you're Christian...
and you don't have that peace,
I'll tell you what's happened.
You have taken back
over the controls of your life...
and you're holding on to that...
which you ought to leave in God's hands.
As a result, you've lost the peace
of your salvation.
And you won't gain it back...
until you have
another "therefore" experience.
I thank God this morning for the
"therefores" of Paul, here in Romans.
Perhaps there's someone here this
morning who's never received Christ...
they've never let him
come into their hearts by faith.
They've never said, "Lord, I want you
to have your way in my heart. "
You know what God's way
in your heart is?
God wants to come in and cleanse
you from your unrighteousness...
and make something beautiful
out of your life.
He wants to forgive you of your sins.
And God says, "You, come on!
Just believe, and I'll forgive you. "
The most important thing about
turkey hunting is knowing your woods.
You can snatch me, or snake up...
and carry us off to a place
that we're not famlLiar with...