Of course,
I just about judged where the...
I couldn't line it up any other way...
because when you had
the opera glass on the lens...
you couldn't see nothing.
And I held it up and it turned out.
Now, I don't know if this is
the moon or not. It lookslike some clouds.
I don't know if this is a star or what.
Well, no, it couldn't be that because...
That's a picture of the star.
I just took the camera and pointed it
up there. I didn't even sight it.
And then I took the picture that way.
Of course, as you can see,
that picture ain't too good.
It's a cheap camera,
you get a cheap picture.
Luck, you know.
I mean, when something turns out,
you say, "Gee, I'm lucky. " Right?
Well, of course...
you see, when you have a camera
and you point it at a certain...
Justlike if you had a gun,
you don't shoot, do you?
If you had a gun
and you pointed it at something...
you're liable to hit what you're
pointing at. Then again, you might not.
The bullet came in...
at just about this angle
and went into my seat here.
You see, I haven't had that repaired.
It's a small hole there.
It went in there
and lodged in the back of the seat.
The county sheriff's office
came out to investigate.
They had to dig it out of the back seat,
out of the back part of the seat.
It came in at an angle from the road.
I stlLI don't know why they did it.
Probably just to frighten me a little bit.
I'm not one that's gonna
frighten easy about things.
It don't bug you too much...
but the closer you get on him,
you want to make the Kill so bad.