Then all that tension...
that's bulLt up in you...
it makes me sick.
You get the dry heaves,like you get
on a morning after a Saturday night.
The dry heaves from a drunk.
Gag and puke. Just gag.
It's nothing but your nerves bulLt up
that's dying down.
That's all it is.
In four, five minutes, I'm all right.
Every star you see up there,
maybe it is a world.
You know, I mean,
it was made for some purpose.
You know, it's just up there,
see, and maybe...
in the future there'll be one Irish world...
one German world, one Russian world...
and one colored world.
I mean, each party has their own world.
But who knows?
You don't know God's plan.
Even Jesus Christ didn't know.
It says right in the Bible...
that no man can find out the answer
to that...
when the end of the world is.
Well, not the end of the world,
but the end of our world.
Our scheme of things.
Politicians, you know.
In a little town
when you talk to somebody...
and you tell them about the lights
on the road, they're not blinking.
They don't want to take no responsiblLity.
I says, "Who do you call? DOT?"
They didn't know, see. They don't care.
They should run them out of town,
on a ralL, tar and feathers.
Yeah, Ilike that.
That tar and feathers.
Boy, wouldn't youlike that?
To see some guy, or some kid
that did something wrong...