Where's the passenger processing
lounge for the lunar shuttle?
Concourse lounge "C", fourth level.
- Thanks.
- Next.
How long is my parking valid?
- Two hours.
- Thank you.
- What's the fastest animal on earth?
- The cheetah. Next?
- Should I fake my orgasms?
- Yes.
Thank you.
This is mission control.
We have clearance on two-niner
for shuttle pre-launch checks.
You are clear to descend to 15,000
and hold until further notice.
A high-pressure front's
moving over Denver.
56 in the valley,
72 at the beaches.
The Supremes hit
the top of the charts
with this really
big one, Baby Love.
I have a collect call
for Michael Reese from his mother.
This is only
part of our mission control.
Right here we have re-entry
for all Earth-orbit ships.
That's handled by the computers
and simulated by these video units.
Now if you'll step this way...
Phoenix 6, you're programmed
on R two-niner and computer locked.
Computer lock acknowledged.
Over and out.
Well, gentlemen,
looks like it's out of our hands now.
- Janet, they need you in control.
- Right.