Airplane II: The Sequel

Is that a good sign?
It does the job.
I can't stand it!
I refuse to pay $2,000 a day

for a hospital bed, rotten food,
horrible nurses, rotten doctors!

What's his problem?
The man's obviously crazy.

By the way,
I spoke to Elaine this morning.

Elaine? Was she here?
No. She called and asked me to
tell you that she's marrying Simon.

Tell me the whole story
from the beginning.

After all, that's why I'm here.
There's really nothing to tell.
My story is no different
than anyone else's story.

I'm sure you've heard it
a thousand times.

It all started during the war.
I lost most of my squadron
over Macho Grande.

Planes, too.
You're too low...
After the war, I couldn't go near
anything with a pair of wings.

Until fate dropped me in the seat
of a 767 into Chicago with no crew.

It's funny how fate can
make heroes out of cowards.

After that came the job offers,
then the publicity...

...then the crash and the trial.
Order! Order!
Now this.
Well, there's more, but I'm sure
you'd all be bored by it.

No, no, no. Continue.
This is mission control,
in "T" minus one hour, 43 minutes
ground crew report to stations.
