First, were you not the chief test
pilot for the lunar shuttle XR-2300?
On the fifth of October this year,
that shuttle crash-landed.
Were you not the pilot
on that flight?
Yes, but I wasn't...
And, Mr Striker, is it not true
that that crash was a direct result
of your incompetence?
No! The problem was with that ship,
not with me.
The wiring was shorting out
under high temperatures.
That thing was a flying deathtrap.
The fact is, gentlemen, nothing
serious was wrong with that ship.
Ted Striker folded up
on the approach.
That's a lie!
Order! Order!
On March 5, 1980, flight 209 into
Chicago lost its crew in midair.
And on that fateful night,
Ted Striker saved that plane.
I'd like to call one of the
passengers from that flight,
if it pleases the court.
Do you swear on the Constitution
to tell the whole truth,
and nothing but?
I do.
Would you describe, in your own
words, what happened that night?
Mr. Striker performed exceptionally
The passengers were very concerned
The pilots were incapacitated
So Mr. Striker took control
And landed that plane safely
I know I wouldn't be alive today
if it wasn't for Mr Striker.
I find it difficult even now to think
about that night over Chicago.
Please try, Mrs Hammen.
It's very important.
we lost the crew...