without disturbing
his regulatory system.
That computer
has a self-defence mechanism.
You heard what happened
to the others.
I know. Sucked out.
Still, it's our only chance.
We could try it from here.
You get back and monitor
the regulatory unit.
- Right. Good luck, Captain.
- Don't worry about me.
Ladies and gentlemen,
please calm down.
Please, listen to me.
I want to tell you what's
going on with the ship.
Thank you.
We've been thrown
off course just a tad.
What's a tad?
Miss, what exactly is a tad?
In space terms,
that's about half a million miles.
That's interesting.
The bumps you feel are asteroids
smashing into the hull of the ship.
Also, we're flying
without a navigational system
and can't seem to change course.
Miss, are you telling us
absolutely everything?
Not exactly.
We're also out of coffee.
Listen to me! Your crew is in
complete control of the situation.
Trust me.
There's nothing to worry about!
You're right. They're off course
and heading straight for the sun.
I've seen enough, Bob.
Get me Steve McCroskey, and fast.
McCroskey hasn't handled
a tower since the strike.
Since Reagan fired the controllers,
he's been completely senile.
Yeah, but what about McCroskey?
- Pretty much the same as Reagan.
- I don't care. Get him.