Amityville II: The Possession

I love you.
Father, this is my firstborn, Sonny.
He hasn't been feeling well lately.
Good to meet you, Sonny.
Jesus Christ!
What do you kids think this house is?
A playground?

- We didn't do it!
- Don't you lie to me!

- Please, don't hit the child.
- Mister, this isn't your business.

Do you hear that?
I raise my children the way I see fit.
Now you do what you got to do and go.

- You think that's funny?
- We didn't do it!

Father, please forgive my husband.
Please, Father.

I think there will be a better time for this,
Mrs. Montelli.

Yes, of course, Father. I'm so sorry.
It's not your fault. Perhaps one day
your husband and I can meet as friends.

Of course, Father.
