Burden of Dreams

I am determined
to prove a villain...

and hate the idle pleasures
of these days.

Wilbur, you are definitely my man.
Five weeks after filming begins,
with 40% of the picture completed...

Jason Robards comes down with
a bad case of amebic dysentery.

He flies home to recover,
and his doctor forbids him to return to the set.

For Herzog,
this is an agonizing setback.

He'll have to start all over
with a new leading actor...

and his backers are pulling out.
For six weeks, Herzog puts
the entire production on hold...

while he goes looking for another star.
Then Jagger drops out too.
Commitments for a new album
and a concert tour...

make it impossible for him to stay
the extra months needed...

to reshoot the film from scratch.
And I have decided
that I would not replace his part.

You can't replace him.
So I think that's, uh, biggest loss
that I have had in my career...

as someone who makes films.
When I came back to Germany,
and I tried to hold all the investors together...

they said to me,
"Well, how can you continue?

Can you - Uh, do you have the strength
or the will or the enthusiasm or so?"

And I said,
"How can you ask this question? It is -

"If I abandon this project,
I would be a man without dreams...

and I don't want to live like that. "
I - I - I live my life,
or I end my life with this project.

In April, 1981...
Herzog's new leading man,
Klaus Kinski...

arrives at the Iquitos Airport.
