Burden of Dreams

the madam of an elegant brothel catering to
the wealthiest rubber barons in Iquitos.

She uses her contacts
to help him buy a steamship he needs...

to make enough money
to build the opera house.

Claudia, there is also one thing.
You could easily try to
open one of those doors.

- Yes. This one?
- Yeah. No, not this one.

- This here is closed.
- This one.

This one is closed.
So you can't do -
you can't do any-

- Yeah. No.
- No.

- You shouldn't open that one. Yes.
- I just try to open, but it's closed.

- That's the only one that you should not open.
- Okay.

Of course,
we need another boat going on the river.

And for this reason
we have bought another boat...

which has about the same size,
the same shape of the hull.

The Huallaga,
which was built in 1906.

And we rebuilt the whole boat,
and we repaired the engine...

and we'll need a third boat-
a look-alike.

No one knows how long it's going to take
to pull a real steamship over a hill in thejungle...

which is why Herzog needs three ships.
While one of the ships stays in Iquitos
and another goes over the hill...

Herzog can keep on shooting
with the third ship...

including a crucial scene
in the Pongo das Mortes...

the "Rapids of Death. "
The Huallaga may be destroyed in the Pongo.
We'll try to save it with, uh,
remote control from a helicopter.

I'm not 100% sure whether it will make it.
But I hope because there's
so much work and care and toil in it.

Many, many people have given
their sweat and their...

blood of their heart.
And it's really beautiful.
I- I like the boats very much.

Uh, very close to my heart.
I would like to keep them all.
