Burden of Dreams

How much do you think
this stinking stuff weighs?

Sixty kilos. And I presume
you're familiar with the market price.

How long does it take
to make one of these?

Three men, one week.
Presently I have a staff of 8,500.
I'm thinking of increasing it to 10.
You know, you're a strange bird...
but I must say I like you.
This is just impossible.
This is impossible.
It's enough to put you to sleep.

Could you look over there?
- Yeah. With the eyes.
- I look there. Yes.

- Yeah. Yeah. This kind of-
- Okay.

- This kind of raving -Yeah.
- Okay.

Let's have a -
Let's have a very wild one.

- Yeah.
- Like this here. Can you find a position? Yes.

- There. Yeah.
- That is a position for the 10,000.

- Okay. Okay.
- The dream is right up at that-at that branch.

- All right.
- Okay?

But I'm thinking of increasing it to 10.
To act in front of a camera
gives me physical pleasure.

That's when I get myself realized.
Otherwise I would be a bank manager.
If- If you remove that pleasure-
If you take this pleasure-

then the- what-
what have you left?

The hardship of doing this film,
which is a very difficult and very hard-

physically hard film to do.
all our equipment and all our resources...
