Burden of Dreams

And his wife was-
was hit three times.
I have not seen her yet.
But apparently here in the hip...

and a little higher.
And that was in complete darkness.
And they were lucky that they had a-
a doctor here and a very good paramedic...

who, uh, operated them immediately.
They will do a raid upstream now, and...
I hope they don't make any contact.
Because if they make contact...
and if something is going on there...
we will probably have a raid
of the Amahuacas down here.

And it's all because the river
is so unusually low.

You can see all these riverbanks. Sometimes
the water went all the way up to that camp...

about six, seven yards higher-
about 20 feet higher or so.
And now, uh, turtles come
to the sandbanks and lay their eggs.

Uh, and the Amahuacas come
very, very far down to dig for turtle eggs.

And that's why this clash came.
But I have also asked for the assistance
of some of the Campas...

which is very unusual because, uh...
Machiguengas here in this area
were afraid of the Campas.

There's always...
a feeling of terror when you speak
about the Campas of Gran Pajonal.

I can't stop them here.
It would be impossible.
I would interfere in their-

How do I say?
In their habits, or in their space of living...

if I kept them back.
And if I let them go - as it has happened
I couldn't stop them anyway-

there might be
a - a more serious incident, and...
