Enough to become
kings yourselves.
There comes a time,
when the jewels
cease to sparkle,
when the gold
loses its luster,
when the throne room
becomes a prison,
and all that is left...
is a father's love
for his child.
To the hell fires
with Thulsa Doom.
He's evil, a sorcerer
who can summon demons.
His followers' only purpose
is to die in his service.
There are thousands
of them.
This Mountain of Power
where he lives is said
to be impregnable.
I have talked to Subotai
and he agrees.
Let's take what we have
while we live.
I have never had
so much as now.
All my life
I've been alone.
Many times I face my death
with no one to know.
I would look into the huts
and the tents of others
in the coldest dark...
and I would see figures
holding each other
in the night.
But I always passed by.
You and I...
we have warmth.
That's so hard to find
in this world.
Please, let someone else
pass by in the night.
Let us take the world
by the throat...