l'll go down and close the windows
before the rain gets in.
l'll do it. l got some garbage
l want to throw away.
Daddy, please, don't throw it away.
l'm sorry.
Next time l find you with a worthless
piece of shit like this again...
...you won't sit down for a week!
You remember that!
Tuck in.
That takes care of that.
Stan, don't you think you were
a little hard on him?
Did you see that crap?
All that horror crap. Things coming out
of crates and eating people?
Dead people coming back to life?
People turning into weeds?
-Yes, l did, but--
-Do you want him reading that stuff?
-Well, no, but--
-All right, then.
l took care of it.
That's why God made fathers, babe.
That's why God made fathers.
l hope you rot in hell!