Go ahead, try to move.
l could really...
...cover you all the way up,
couldn't l, Harry?
l could make Harry all gone!
Oh, no! No, no.
l wouldn't do that.
Here, let me get that out of you.
There you are. That's good.
No, l keep my promises.
Get out.
Get out of here! Jesus!
Get it out of here!
Found a friend, Harry?
"l'm just wild about Harry"
Come on, Richard.
Get it out of here!
He's just getting revenge.
For all of the relatives of his that you ate,
baked and stuffed at Ma Maison!
Bad fellow! You bad fellow!
Get away!
Look, l have money!
l'll give you anything!
Just get me out of this hole!
l have something here...
...that will take your mind off of it.
lt's showtime!
lsn't this a great video?
l love this!
Look at the quality of that picture!